Julia Field

Angelic Reiki Practitioner, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher & Sound Therapist

Treatments Offered

  • Reiki

    Healing. Relaxation. Rejuvenation.

  • Sound Baths

    A deeply relaxing sound experience

Julia Field


Julia’s journey to becoming a wonderfully talented reiki practitioner and sound therapist is a very personal one. Suffering with depression and anxiety for many years, Julia discovered the power of holistic therapy such as yoga, meditation, healing fro others and self healing, which has helped find the root cause issues and has allowed Julia’s whole life and outlook to become enlightened.

This journey lead Julia to really connect with angelic reiki, eventually leading to her becoming a highly qualified practitioner, who is now passionate about helping others looking to find their happiness within.

Julia practising reiki
Julia Field
Julia Field giving reiki treatment