Our team of chiropractors are dedicated to providing the very highest levels of care and support to all of their patients

Dr Ann Ward DC

Principal McTimoney Chiropractor & Owner of Chiropractic &
Natural Wellbeing

Ann is a graduate of the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Oxfordshire and has worked in clinics across the UK, including London, Nottingham, Leamington Spa and now in Coleshill and Coventry.

Ann is also registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC), is a member of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association (MCA) and is a certified PRT Trainer.

Ann firmly believes in promoting and aiding general health and well-being, not only through excellent chiropractic care but also by encouraging patients to lead healthier lives to prevent problems before they arise.

Having now worked as a chiropractor in Coleshill for a number of years, Ann has a superb reputation among local residents as a caring, effective McTimoney chiropractor.

Clare Stringer

(MChiro PDAC ESMT (Dip))

Clare is a graduate of McTimoney Chiropractic College and provides care for people from all walks of life, with a particular interest in chiropractic care of riders and their horses.

Alongside providing human chiropractic care, Clare is also a qualified human sports massage therapist, equine sports massage therapist and animal chiropractor, for those seeking care for their beloved pets.

Clare is registered with the GCC and MCA, along with RAMP for her animal practice. She undertakes a variety of regular CPD to ensure that her knowledge keeps evolving so that she can provide for her clients as best as possible.

Natalya Constantinou

(MChiro BMedSc)

Natalya is also a graduate of the esteemed McTimoney Chiropractic College and is a valued member of the team at Chiropractic & Natural Wellbeing.

After initially studying in biomedical science, it was a personal experience receiving chiropractic treatment, combined with a desire to help others that resulted in Natalya deciding to become a chiropractor.

Registered with the GCC and MCA, Natalya is mentored by principal chiropractor, Ann Ward, and also continues to develop her skillset through multiple CPD activities each year.

Natalya is also qualified in Sports Massage Therapy.